Preparing you Today for the World of Tomorrow – Protect your Freedom and your Assets!

Mental hygiene is a collection of daily practices that can help maintain mental health and well-being. Stop watching TV. Cut cable and keep streaming to a minimum.   New study suggests that too much TV really can rot your brain

© Pictures, Use policy / ToS.   New York City is not what it used to be. During the day, there are only about 50% of the people on the streets compared to pre-COVID times. Times Square was always unpopular with locals, but it was a very central transportation hub: Here is the Times Square Metro […]

  The Limits to growth simulator. You can play around with it. Also see: The Limits to Growth: The 30-year Update   What is your backup plan? Talk to us.   

By: Norvell B. De Atkine Arabic-speaking armies have been generally ineffective in the modern era. Egyptian regular forces did poorly against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s.1 Syrians could only impose their will in Lebanon during the mid-1970s by the use of overwhelming weaponry and numbers.2 Iraqis showed ineptness against an Iranian military ripped apart by revolutionary turmoil in […]

It has become difficult to transport dogs via air travel, especially to the US and especially with big dogs that must go into the cargo hold. Please see our page: Flying with Dogs: Essential Travel Guide I booked a ticket wiht Finnair after they confirmed that they bring dogs into the US and my crate […]

  A recent article in Foreign Policy has gained attention for its negative portrayal of Próspera, the charter city on the Honduran island of Roatán. For context, Próspera operates as an “employment and economic development zone” (ZEDE), creating a semiautonomous jurisdiction that can establish some of its own laws. The project is supported by prominent […]