The Caribbean island nation of Dominica, situated between the French territories of Guadeloupe and Martinique, has launched a Digital Nomad visa program called WIN (Work In Nature). This initiative allows individuals to reside on the island’s lush, tropical, and volcanic landscape, renowned for its hot springs, for a period of up to 18 months. The program also provides an income tax exemption, and families have the option to enroll their children in both private and public schools. Dominica offers one of the most cost-effective options for Digital Nomad visa holders in the Caribbean, considering the overall cost of living on the island.
Visa category
WIN Extended Stay Visa application
What are the visa fees/charges?
• US$800 for individuals and US$1,200 for families
• For one Business, Multiple Applicants: US$800 plus US$500 for each additional employee for a business applying for four or more employees
Is there a minimum income threshold applicable for digital nomad/remote work visa?
Yes – US$50,000 per annum
Are digital nomad/remote work visa holders subject to income tax?
Are digital nomad/remote work visa holders subject to social security contributions?
Is there Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) relief available in the country?
Is there an income tax requirement in the country, in general?
Is there a social security requirement in the country, in general?
Are criminal checks required for this visa?
Applicants must obtain and present police records from all the jurisdiction in which the applicants and dependents lived in the past five years
For how long is the digital nomad/remote work visa valid?
Up to 18 months
Is the applicant bound to any work restraints/limitations?
Applicant can work and earn income only from outside countries
What are the standard requirements for the digital nomad/remote work visa?
• Be at least 18 years old
• Have no criminal record
• Must have a minimum income of US$50,000
• Passports, proof of relationship between employee and dependents, police records
• Must have a letter of employment from the employer, and a reference letter from bank
• If the applicant is not employed, they will need to present up-to-date bank statements and a credit report
• Health insurance which covers the duration of stay
Which countries are eligible to apply for the digital nomad/ remote work visa?
Is applicant required to provide proof of employment?
• Proof of employment from employer is required for employees.
• The unemployed travelers need to submit up-to-date bank statements and a credit report
Cost of living index: similar level to Canada, based upon limited data 25 out of 140
Internet fixed: 79.7 Mbps Median- Feb 2023
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