Preparing you Today for the World of Tomorrow – Protect your Freedom and your Assets!

Some party video, after my Colombia trip. What is your backup plan? Interested in Real Estate in Colombia? Talk to us. 

    Country Property Tax as Share of Private Capital Stock Real Property or Land Tax Real Property or Land Taxes Deductible from Corporate Income Tax Austria 0.10% Tax on Real Property No Belgium 0.62% Tax on Real Property (a) Yes Czech Republic 0.10% Tax on Real Property Yes Denmark 0.75% Tax on Real Property […]

This Vs this   What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, […]

After Part 1, Why capitalism always needs growth to manage debt pressure, we come to part 2. Today: Wealth And Energy Consumption Are Inseparable In a prior study (Garrett, 2011), I introduced a simple economic growth model designed to be consistent with general thermodynamic laws. Unlike traditional economic models, civilization is viewed only as a […]

The ability to keep your mouth shut! There are two abilities that have become almost completely unknown nowadays. First, the ability to keep your mouth shut, and second, the ability to concentrate. Today we’re only dealing with the ability to keep your mouth shut. For example, there’s this nearly 20-year-old story from a German magazine. […]

Overview of European Residential Markets, new study from Deloitte. Interesting study. Portugal much more expensive than Spain and Italy, but please be advised that such average prices can be easily skewed by outliers, e.g. super expensive Lisbon due to the Golden Visa Program. Nevertheless, an interesting overview.  

© Pictures, Use policy / ToS. After being a little bit bored in Wrocław (Poland), I boarded a bus to Ukraine, Kyiv. It was cheap, something like 40-50 USD. I boarded the same day for the 26 hours bus ride. Into darkness…. Picture at night in my bus. 🙂 When I arrived I did some groceries […]

© Pictures, Use policy / ToS. The nights can be fun in Kyiv. Your cell phone will ring and you get a text message: Air raid alert – The government of Ukraine issued an alert at 1:00. Take shelter immediately. Sure, you could walk to the next metro station but nobody does…   Explosions on the […]