Preparing you Today for the World of Tomorrow – Protect your Freedom and your Assets!

Why capitalism always needs growth to manage debt pressure. Gail Tverberg has many ideas that we will encounter again throughout this blog series. Besides the connection between economic growth and energy, her ideas are primarily based on the realization that capitalism relies on the pre-financing of production. This pre-financing can only be funded with future […]

    War is the father of all and the king of all; it proves some people gods, and some people men; it makes some people slaves and some people free. Heraclitus   War and changes in society are, indeed, a great risk but also, maybe unfortunately, a great opportunity.   Stage 1: The War […]

© Pictures, Use policy / ToS.   Some travel impressions from Bogota, after my short visit to Leticia and Tabaninga (Brazil). The pics are random. But they should give you an impression of Bogota and the magic of the candelaria district. I love Colombia. Tourist are coming now. I never understood the hype about Cartagena. Sure, […]

© Pictures, Use policy / ToS.   First part Travel Impressions: Colombia, Bogota 1/2 Just the continuation from Bogota and Candelaria. Try to share my love for Bogota. Architecture…   There are some decent bespoke Tailors in Bogota, in or nearby Candelaria.   A suit starts at US 200 and taks 10-14 days. Quality and material […]

Do you believe your home country is heading in the wrong direction? Are you looking for a retreat outside the EU? You’re not a millionaire but still don’t want to be taken advantage of? You don’t really want to emigrate, but still want to develop a Plan B? The small country of Georgia has a […]

Are you tired of the wrong direction your home country is taking? Do you finally want sun and pleasant warmth, even in winter? You don’t really want to emigrate, but still want to develop a Plan B? Tanzania lies on the southeastern edge of Africa, with its dreamy palm-fringed sandy beaches and the unspoiled nature […]

  Are you fed up with your home country? Are you looking for a retreat outside the EU? You’re not a millionaire but still don’t want to be taken advantage of? You don’t really want to emigrate, but still want to develop a Plan B? Well, why wander far away. Belarus is also easily accessible […]

Bug Out Location Belarus? No OSCE data exchange? Affordable real estate? If you invest in an apartment in Belarus, you can live there yourself or rent it out. In any case, you are entitled to a residence permit for one year upon application. As long as you keep the apartment, you can extend the residence […]