Romania Digital Nomad Visa

Romania Flag

Romania, known for boasting the fastest fixed broadband internet speeds in the EU, has taken a significant step forward by approving the digital nomad visa on December 21, 2021. This visa offers a 12-month validity period, with the option to renew for an additional 12 months. Initially, it was speculated that the income requirement would be set at a modest €1,100 per month. However, this figure has now been revised to a more stringent €3,300 per month, tripling the initial estimate. This change in requirements may pose a challenge for Romania in attracting digital nomads, as neighboring Croatia has emerged as a popular destination with a lower monthly income requirement of €2,232. Croatia’s more favorable conditions could make it a more appealing choice for remote workers seeking to experience life in Europe.


Cost of living index: 38.4 – (89 out of 140)

Internet fixed: 175.08 Mbps Median- Feb 2023

Internet mobile: 47.02 Mbps Median – Feb 2023


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