Travel Impressions. Brazil, Rio den Janeiro, Santa Teresa district.

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Map of the tram, called Bondinho, meaning little tram. You can take it at Estacao Carioca, it runs over the arc in Lapa.

Formerly, it costs 50 centavos. Now it costs 20 Reais for non-residents.

Once this must have been an incredible rich place. The old villas are impressive, but decay is everywhere.

But Santa Teresa is a magical place. Make no mistake there. Somehow, it always felt like gentrification will happen tomorrow. But then it never did.

Incredible views over the city:

Largo dos Guimaraes, below, is a good place to stop, have a coffee and visit art galleries.

Picture from inside the tram. I love the ride, it is a must-do on every visit to Rio.