Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Entrepreneur stream
Target Group
For startup and early stage entrepreneurs who have been endorsed to develop their concepts and been nominated by a State or Territory government agency.
With this visa, you can carry out entrepreneurial activity in Australia stay in Australia for up to 5 years bring eligible members of your family with you apply for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Entrepreneur stream if certain requirements are met.
How long you can stay
This is a provisional visa. You can stay in Australia for up to 5 years.
The visa is granted with multiple entries. You can leave and re-enter Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.
The visa is valid from the date it is granted.
Stay longer This is a provisional visa. You must apply for a new visa if you want to stay longer. Explore your visa options.
Once you have this visa, you can apply for permanent residence through the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Entrepreneur stream if certain requirements are met.
Include family
You can add your dependent child or children to your application at any time before we decide on your application. They will need to meet our health and character (if applicable) requirements.
The spouse or de facto partner of the main applicant, who did not make a combined application at the initial lodgment of the subclass 188 visa, can make a subsequent entrant application. A subclass 188 visa can only be granted
to a subsequent entrant after the main applicant’s subclass 188 visa is granted.
Complete the online ’Application for a Business Innovation and Investment (Subsequent Entrant) Visa’ application form in ImmiAccount. An application charge is applicable.
In order for the primary applicant to be granted the visa, family members who are not coming to Australia must meet our character requirements and might have to meet our health requirements.
This visa costs AUD6,395.00 for the primary applicant.
There is also a charge for each family member who applies for the visa with you. Additional applicant over 18 years old: AUD3,195.00 additional applicant under 18 years old: AUD1,600.00 Any applicant 18 years old or older who has less than functional English must pay an extra charge. This charge is the second installment. Pay it only when we ask you to. We will refund the charge if we do not grant you the visa.
The second installment charges are: primary applicant: AUD9,795 family members: AUD4,890 To work out what your visa will cost use the Visa pricing estimator. The estimator does not take
into account the second installment or other costs. You might also have to pay other costs for health checks, police certificates and biometrics.
Apply from
You can be in or outside Australia when you apply for the visa and when we decide on your application, but not in immigration clearance. Processing times For an indication of processing times for this visa, use the visa processing time guide tool. This will show the processing times for recently decided applications. It is a guide only and not specific to your application. There are no standard processing times available for this stream. But your application might take longer to process if: you do not fill it in correctly you do not include all the documents we
need or we need more information from you it takes us time to verify your information Your obligations You and your family members who are part of your application must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws.
Learn more about conditions for this visa.
You must meet certain obligations related to your entrepreneurial activities.
You must also obey Australian workplace laws.
Meet your entrepreneur obligations If you were invited to apply on or after 1 July 2021
You must be undertaking or propose to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia and have a genuine intention to undertake, and continue to undertake, the complying entrepreneur activity. You must also have been nominated by a State or Territory government agency to develop your concepts.
Receive an invitation to apply First, you must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). If an Australian State or Territory government agency accepts your EOI and nominates you, we will invite you to apply for this visa.
Be nominated
You must be nominated by a State or Territory governmentagency before being invited to apply for this visa. The State or Territory government agency that nominates you must not withdraw their nomination after you apply, or we will be unable to grant you a visa.
Be under 55 You will not receive an invitation if you are aged 55 or older, at the time of the invitation to apply for the visa, unless the State or Territory government agency has determined your proposed entrepreneur activity will be of exceptional economic benefit.
URL: Program Link
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