Latvia Start-Up Visa

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Name of visa/program:  Startup Visa

Duration of visa: 3 years, includes family.

Average duration until acceptance: 1 month

Cost: 100 Euros


Startup visa is offered to all non-EU startup founders who are willing to come and kick-off their startup ideas in Latvia, a proud member of EU since 2004. One startup can have up to 5 founders with a startup visa.


• Description of innovative idea and its technological description (if applicable);
• Business model/company’s core strategy for profitability doing business;
• Information about market potential of the product;
• Analysis of competitors and description of your idea’s competitive advantages;
• Product R&D plan;
• Planned business activities for the next 3 years, including the planned necessary investments;
• Simplified draft of planned cost/income structure for the next 3 years
• proof of subsistence. EUR 500 per month for 12 months (Total of EUR 6,000)


What is your backup plan? Talk to us.