Chile Start-Up Visa

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Name of visa: Startup Chile

Duration of visa: 1 year, 6 months in an accelerator program

Average duration until acceptance: 6 months


URL: Program Link 


• Business connections, previous experience and the market size of your chosen project are weighted to your application.
• To enter to visa program Spanish is not a requirement, however learning the basics is highly recommended.
• You will need a valid passport, a Chilean National ID (cédula) or a Chilean ID for foreigners.
• A recommendation letter from an investor, mentor or academic to advocate the experience and talent of the team or individual.

Who can apply?

• Legal entities under private law or national / international universities.
• Goods or service providers that may contribute to the development of Start-Up Chile’s entrepreneurs.
• Companies that provide services in at least one of the following categories: Fundraising, HR and Talent, Tech and Development, Marketing and Communications, Business Development, Legal Services, Administrative and Office Tools, Customer Service, Sales, Design.



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